Saturday, January 5, 2013

All My Rejects

All My Rejects
It looks like I now need to explain why I deleted those first blogs in '06 and '07. First of all, Google may correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that I am the source of such Carlin classics as a loving God wouldn't damn us, elections are a charade, less-than-masculine boy's names, people are stupid, people are boring, too much bullshit, pet peeves versus major psychotic hatreds, and cigar smoking businessmen - off the top of my head. (But he did come up with 'pussy farts'. I would have written something like 'vaginal gas' instead.)

So why did I take them down if people liked them? Well, for one thing, I didn't know that people liked them. You see, the first time I wrote popular[?] songs and popular[?] blogs and they didn't let me see my views and comments and I wasn't immediately surrounded by fans and women throwing themselves at my feet, I actually thought no one was looking at my work online. How foolish of me. Chalk it up to inexperience.

I thought the 'loving God' blog - which I initially penned in '06, if I'm not mistaken - was redundant because faith is illogical. I thought the 'elections are a charade' idea was too pessimistic. I thought the anti-people blogs were too mean spirited and a little hypocritical. Imagine me putting down others for wanting to show me pictures of their family. Remember my video for Thrown Stones? (I've since developed 'People Are Selfish', 'People Are Sadistic', 'People Are Hypocrites', and 'People Are Insane', but don't hold your breath waiting for me to share these much funnier and more insightful observations online.) And I thought that the anti-business blogs were too ill informed and unnecessarily punitive.

Now, may I suggest some reasons for why Carlin took them? Anti-establishment humour was his domain. He was aging and burning out. He had financial problems. Maybe he even knew he only had a couple years left to live and, being atheist, didn't worry about sinning.

And some people who call themselves Christians don't worry about sinning either. Someone should have a look at the content of 'Christian' periodicals and programs from around the time that I deleted my first Lost and Found blog. Plagiarism galore.
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